Welcome to G#11.

Everyone of artists who just waiting to me to expect . I'm sorry to have kept you waiting . To the people of the viewers . GEISAI 'm different gangs and Art Festival other .

GEISAI suggests the art fair in the future . I 'm a feeling now! I mean , Shimae penetrate . The N bitch Chi , large game of one generation life . I think artists and simply just drop one's teeth on the scale , I think that both ! 'm Losing account if you have 'm amazed . I mean , because 'm a revolution that can be achieved for a personal art me ! Can be seen sparks of revolution VS revolution !

Somehow , such as what was an art bubble , connoisseur So what , the world market does not matter all of that. I Futtobi all .

All the glitter , the world that may be able to celebrate the art . It was built up art fairs Phantasmagoria to be acquainted with the art that is filled with only can our customers come to this venue . The maximum extended version which can be considered now Are you now . Everything is experimental . Are fully spear . Without excuse .

Look at . ! That this will say even serious art

If you can try to come , should give you all of the vision that I wanted to do in the last 10 years is our Executive Committee .

Orientation to the future of art is self-explanatory . Only uncertainties are rolling in now of summer in full swing of writing this sentence . Number of gimmick hundreds of non-experience people .

However, when will Sasoeru all of you to the world of art that will not be complete absolutely everything , I saw , me over I'll put a stick and haltingly to the feeling that seems discouraged , while shouting , we are Tsuppashi~tsu . I think pretty kettle of fish is also the day 's climax , but Well , really , this experience , I can only in Japan .

New dimension ! Art Welcome to " GEISAI " World ! Person you miss , it 's a , , , to its Kawayu .