GEISAI MUSEUM#2 Photo Report

And now a quick look at the back stage VIP room.

Did anyone notice the security guards in black standing in the venue? In fact, they were guarding entrance to the VIP room. Only those with special invitations could enter but here you’ll get a look at what went on in this secret salon.

Drinks and foods are at the ready to serve important guests from Japan and abroad!


From left to right: Wonderwall’s Masamichi Katayama, Chairman Takashi Murakami, artist KAWS, and Mr. Oka from Medicom Toy

A wide variety of foreign media came to GEISAI MUSEUM#2. Despite being overwhelmingly busy, Takashi Murakami took time to do an interview for Taiwanese TV.


At last, the jury review begins. The passionate discussion lasted well over the allotted time.

Finally the judge was started, and the hot discussion lasted over the scheduled time.

After completing their walk-through of the hall, the jurors assembled backstage and began their debate, each attaching photos of works they selected to the wall. The collection of museum executives was sure to match the sincerity of the artists with sincerity of their own and the discussion went well past the allotted time period.


The jurors view the photos with stern faces.

After exceeding the allotted time, it was time to announce the winners, from GEISAI to the world at large.


The Results are In! Prizes are revealed at a Magnificent Award Ceremony.

First Prize
Toshihiko Wakasugi

The Fram Kitagawa Prize
Takahashi Tsubasa


Second Prize
Mayu Daigen

Third Prize
Kuniaki Fujii

The Taku Takahashi Prize
Watabe Tsuyoshi


The Victor Pinchuk Prize
Keita Sugiura

The Yutaka Mino Prize
thocky kook


The Yoshiko Mori Prize
Hayato Koga

Photo by miget, Text by Hideki Fujiwara